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Staining Kit


Cat# 25088

Masson's Trichrome Stain Kit

Used for the detection of collagen fibers in tissues such as skin, heart, tec. on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections and may be used for frozen sections as well.

Results :

Collagen Fiber : Blue / Nuclei : Black / Cytoplasm, Muscle, Erythrocytes : Red

Packaging Size : 1 Kit (100 ml) - stains up to 40 slides / 1 Kit (500 ml) - stains up to 200 slides

Kit Contains :

100 ml / 500 ml - Bouin's Fixative

  75 ml / 250 ml - Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin Solution A

  75 ml / 250 ml - Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin Solution B

100 ml / 500 ml - Biebrich Scarlet-Acid Fuchsin

100 ml / 500 ml - Phosphotungstic/Phosphomolybdic Acid

100 ml / 500 ml - Aniline Blue

100 ml / 500 ml - 1% Acetic Acid, Aqueous


Cat# 26419 (#24606 discontinued)

Differential Quik III Stain Kit

Differential Quik III Stain Kit is similar to the easy to use Differential Quik Stain Kit but with an improved staining quality.  It serves as a rapid turnaround staining kit that satisfies many purposes in the cost conscious laboratory environment.

Differential Quik III Stain Kit provides a rapid hematology staining system utilizing three prepared solutions. The essential eosin and thiazine staining solutions are manufactured using certified dyes and quality controlled tested on human blood smears. The convenient 15 second slide dip procedure results in stained smears comparable to Wright-Giemsa protocols.

Additionally, Differential Quik III has been formulated to provide superior results when used as an Andrology stain. Users will be pleased with the differentiation of immature sperm and white blood cells and the excellent resolution achieved in the staining of the head, neck and tail piece.

Furthermore, the stain is very useful to pathologists for immediate interpretation of fine needle aspiration biopsies and detecting H. pylori microorganisms has never been easier. Staining times may be altered to vary the eosinophilic or basophilic staining as desired.

Applications :

Blood Smears / Sperm / Fine Needle Aspirations / Frozen Sections / Cytological Specimens

Cytopreps / Bone Marrow Biopsies / Touch Preps / Microorganism Detection

Packaging Size : 8 oz / 16 oz/ 1 gal  of each solution

Kit Contains :

Differential Quik III Fixative
Differential Quik III Stain, Solution I
Differential Quik III Stain, Solution II


Cat# 24901

Picrosirius Red Stain Kit

Picrosirius Red Stain binds specifically to collagen fibrils of varying diameter that is used to distinguish collagen Type I from Type III. Picrosirius Red Stain will quantify the amount of collagen in a given area of myocardial tissue. Picrosirius Red Stain is also useful in the quantitative aspect of liver fibrosis by measuring a change in collagen proportion stained as red.

Packaging Size : 250 ml / 500 ml  of each solution

Kit Contains :

Solution A - Phosphomolybdic Acid

Solution B - Picrosirius Red F3BA Stain

Solution C - 0.1 N Hydrochloride Acid


Cat# 24199

Prussian Blue Iron Stain Kit

(Reaction for Demonstration of Iron)

Prussian Blue or Perls' reaction is used to demonstrate ferric iron and ferritin. This is not a true staining technique rather, it is a histochemical reaction. The protein is split off by the hydrochloric acid, allowing the potassium ferrocyanide to combine with the ferric iron. This forms the ferric ferrocyanide or Prussian Blue.

Fixation : 10% NBF or alcohol can be used. sections should be cur at 4μ to 5μ or blood

       or bone marrow smears

Packaging Size : 250 ml of each solution. 250 ml kit stains up to 125 slides

Kit Contains :

4% Potassium Ferrocyanide / 4% Hydrochloric Acid / 1% Nuclear Fast Red


Cat# 25086

Alcian Blue/PAS Kit

This is a combined method utilizing the properties of both PAS and Alcian blue pH 2.5 methods to demonstrate the full complement of tissue proteoglycans.


Results :

Alcial Blue pH 2.5 stains the acid mucins blue while PAS stains the neutral pink to red.

Kit Contains : 500 ml of each solution. A kit stains up to 200 slides.

Alcian Blue (1% in 3% Acetic Acid)

Schiff's Reagent

0.5% Periodic Acid

Harris Hematoxylin

Scott's Bluing


Cat# 24200

Periodic Acid Schiff's (PAS) Stain Kit

PAS techniques are used to demonstrate polysaccharides, neutral ,mucosubstances and basement membranes primarily in tissue. It is an easy, reproducible stain that provides exceptional stain quality. Kit also includes diastase powder to enable demonstration of glycogen by performing PAS with diastase digestion. Protocols available for both procedures.

Results :

Reticulin Fibers - Black, Fine linear pattern

               Nuclei - Taupe (no counterstain)

               Nuclei - Purple (with Hematoxylin counterstain)

Other tissue elements - Pink to Red


Kit Contains : a kit stains up to 100 slides.

250 ml - 0.5% Periodic Acid Aq

250 ml - Schiff' Reagent

250 ml - 0.55% Potassium Metabisulfite

250 ml - Harris Hematoxylin Acidified

250 ml - Phosphate Citrate Buffer pH 5.0

 0.5 g   - Diastase Powder

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