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the future of life science,

make the better tomorrow with CellKor

Peel-A-Way® Embedding Molds

  • Disposable paraffin molds designbed to "Peel-A-Way" from the solidified embedded block.

  • Polysciences' Peel-A-Way® Embedding Molds are useful for plastic, frozen, and epoxy embedding.

  • The unique polyethylene construction is designed to "Peel-A-Way" from the solidified block, eliminating the need for release agents and block trimming.

  • Easy to use and saves time

- Unique design will "Peel-A-Way" from a solidified embedded block

  • Versatile

- Can be used with Polyfreeze, JB-4, GMA, MMA and epoxy

  • Especially Useful

- For frozen tissue where defrosting during transfer to cryostat is an issue


Peel-A-Way® Embedding Mold (Square - S22)

Cat# 18646A

Packaging Size :   288 molds

Specifications :   Polyethylene

        22 mm X 22 mm square, 20 mm deep


Peel-A-Way® Embedding Mold (Rectangular - R30)

Cat# 18646B

Packaging Size :   288 molds

Specifications :   Polyethylene

        22 mm X 30 mm, 20 mm deep


Peel-A-Way® Embedding Mold (Rectangular - R40)

Cat# 18646C

Packaging Size :   264 molds

Specifications :   Polyethylene

        22 mm X 40 mm, 20 mm deep


Peel-A-Way® Embedding Mold (Truncated - T8)

Cat# 18985

Packaging Size :   288 molds

Specifications :   Polyethylene

        22 mm X 22 mm square, truncated to 8 mm, 20 mm deep


Peel-A-Way® Embedding Mold (Truncated - T12)

Cat# 18986

Packaging Size :   288 molds

Specifications :   Polyethylene

        22 mm X 22 mm square, truncated to 12 mm, 20 mm deep


Peel-A-Way® Embedding Molds Sampler Pack

Cat# 18646D

Packaging Size :

18646A - Square Molds S22 - 16 molds

18646B - Rectangular molds R30 - 8 molds

18646C - Rectangular molds R40 - 8 molds

18985 - Truncated Molds T8 - 8 molds

18985 - Truncated Molds T12 - 8 molds


CellKor Inc.   I   주식회사 쎌코

대표이사 : 한규형  I  사업자등록번호 : 850-86-00807

(08389) 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로26길 5, 에이스하이엔드타워 1차 208호

208, 5, Digital-ro 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tel. 02.6951.5302  I  Fax. 02.6951.5307  I





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